SmartVox Capabilities

SmartVox has dozens of features that let you do much more than your typical phone service. It also has advanced capabilities far beyond that of any traditional phone service, thanks to our cloud-based architecture. All of this is included as part of your SmartVox service, ensuring flexible, scalable, and affordable phone service.


SmartVox is based on redundant cloud computing technology, resulting in a “self-healing” network of servers that adjust to outages to ensure service is maintained.

Easily Recoverable

If something does go wrong, SmartVox virtual servers can be reconfigured, copied, restored, or moved in minutes. This means the rare outage is typically a short one.


Even if your Internet or power is disrupted, SmartVox continues to work, taking phone calls, sending voicemails as emails, and allowing remote or mobile users to continue to function.

Managed, Monitored, and More

Our custom internal monitoring system is always on the job, minimizing any downtime, automatically rerouting service, and fixing things before humans even notice any problems (we’ve presented at international conferences on how we do this). Redundant servers and backups get your phones and your service back up quickly, often before you know there’s a problem.